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Hiiii!! how are you?? I'm very happy and very tired too... yesterday I have gone with my friends to St. Pere Fisherman's Party!! it have been a very funny party, I have met a lot of friends and we have laughed a lot. Carme and Julia, have came to my house to sleep and we have talk all the night. I'm finishing my Research Project, I think that it'll be a good project 'cause I have work a lot. When we finish the Research Project, we have to do the exams... well I d'nt whant to think about it! We have decided our faancy dress, it will be of Buterfflies!! =D=D=D I like it a lot!! I have to go!! bye byeeeee!!
hiiii!! how are you?? i'm good... but... you know... today we have start the school and it is always tired and boring. This term will be very stress: research project and oral presentation about research project, exams... and a lot of other thinks. In the other hand, next month is the Carnaval party, a party that I like a lot. I don't know which will be our fancy dress.
well, I have to go, a big kiss!!
hi!! how are you?? I'm very tired 'case yesterday, the 31 I have gone out with my friend to celebrate the New Year. We have gone to Sant Pere Pescador, a village nearly where I life. We have danced all the night and, at 7'30 we have arrived to Meritxell's house to sleep. It have been a very funny night and I have laugh a lot, but today I am very tired and ,in add, I have a Family Dinner... =(
nothing else to say!
bye bye!!! a Big Kiss!!