hii blog!! how are you?? I'm very happy and tired to. This weekend has been realy great. I'll esplainx to you: First, on Friday, I've passed all the day in Barcelona with my friends. We've gone to MACBA and to the TNC to see "Don Gil de las Calzas Verdes". Then, at night Carme and me have gone to Carnival Party in Castelló but... when we arrived... where is the party?? There is no party, no people, no music... what a pitty! but, luckily, we've met some good friends and we've pass a good night talking and laughing.
On Satuday afternoon, Julia and me have gone to Carme's house to adorn a trolley (that we have stolen from a supermarket XD). At 8 o'clock Meritxell arrived and we've desguissed. Then we've gone to the party where we have met a lot of friends and we have enjoyed all the night dancing and laughing.
Today, Sunday, I'm very tired and I haven't done nothing because tomorrow I have festivity in the school so... I'll work tomorrow!! =D
bye bye!! a big kiss!
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