hi!! I've change my adress!
I hope your comments in the new blog! ;)
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Sunday, March 18, 2007
[FiTo & FiTipalDis + LaSt Day!]

hiiii! how are you?? I'm tired today... Yesterday I've gone with some Friends ( sandra, edurne, marina, carme and júlia) to see "Fito y Fitipaldis" in Girona. It has been and incredible concert, I liked a lot this Group and his music! =D
Well, on the other hand, this week have finish and with the week, the second term. This term have been very tired but we have had some funny times like Carnival and some joys like our mark in the Research Project. I am not going to put nothing here for a time, but I'll return after Easter!
bye bye! have a nice Easter and a good entrance to the Spring!!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Hiiii! as I've said yesterdaym today i haven't go to the school 'cause is Carnival. Now I haven't done nothing interesting, only work and study, thats why I'm going to talk about a thing that I think that is very important in my life, my friends. My best friends are three:Carme, Júlia and Txell and I want explain to you something more about them:
CARME: she is a crazy girl. Is the person that knows me better. We've laugh a lot together and we don't need talk to know what the other is thinking, we understand by the eyes. Next year, if I study in Barcelona, I'll miss a lot she and our jokes in class.
JÚLIA: She is the most responsible girl in the group. She always heards you and helps you. I think that we have very diferents personalities but it makes our friendship more interesting!
TXELL: She is the craziest girl that I know, she is a Freak. Yes, she is always laughing and happy, a lot of days she is the reason of my smiles, s(he may said thats it is because I laugh of she, but it isn't true! ^^)
JÚLIA: She is the most responsible girl in the group. She always heards you and helps you. I think that we have very diferents personalities but it makes our friendship more interesting!

TXELL: She is the craziest girl that I know, she is a Freak. Yes, she is always laughing and happy, a lot of days she is the reason of my smiles, s(he may said thats it is because I laugh of she, but it isn't true! ^^)
Sunday, February 25, 2007
[CarNivAl '07!!]
hii blog!! how are you?? I'm very happy and tired to. This weekend has been realy great. I'll esplainx to you: First, on Friday, I've passed all the day in Barcelona with my friends. We've gone to MACBA and to the TNC to see "Don Gil de las Calzas Verdes". Then, at night Carme and me have gone to Carnival Party in Castelló but... when we arrived... where is the party?? There is no party, no people, no music... what a pitty! but, luckily, we've met some good friends and we've pass a good night talking and laughing.
On Satuday afternoon, Julia and me have gone to Carme's house to adorn a trolley (that we have stolen from a supermarket XD). At 8 o'clock Meritxell arrived and we've desguissed. Then we've gone to the party where we have met a lot of friends and we have enjoyed all the night dancing and laughing.
Today, Sunday, I'm very tired and I haven't done nothing because tomorrow I have festivity in the school so... I'll work tomorrow!! =D
bye bye!! a big kiss!
Thursday, February 22, 2007

hiiii!! how are youuuu?? i'm very happy 'cause I know my mark of the research project! I have a 10!!=D=D=D=D I feel very happy 'cause when you have a 10 you know that all the work you have done has been recognized and that you have done a good work!! To more, tomorrow I go to Barcelona with the school and my friends and, in the night, I disguise of Butterfly!! Nothing more to say, I'm going to celebrate my mark with my parents!! a very big kiss!!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
[ORaL PreSenTaTioN]
hiiiii bloggg!! how are you?? Now I've returned from the School. Today I've done the oral exposition of the Reserach Projct. I was very nervous but, when I enter to the class I've calmed down and when I've finished I felt very happy, you know, all the work have finished, now I only have to wait for the mark on 22... it will be a eternal wait... =(
in the other hand, I'm sad 'cause this friday and Saturday I can't go to Carnaval 'cause I have a lot of work.... =(
nothing more to say... a big kiss!
in the other hand, I'm sad 'cause this friday and Saturday I can't go to Carnaval 'cause I have a lot of work.... =(
nothing more to say... a big kiss!
Saturday, February 10, 2007
hiiii! now is Saturday night and I'm in my house, I would like to be in a discotec with my friends or in the cinema... but I have to stay in house 'cause next week we have a lot of exams and I have to study... it's a shame... I'm a depressed for all this work... it's very defficult... well, nothig more to say, I put the video of a song that I like a lot, it's Chasing Cars.
big kiss for youuuuuu!!* ;)
big kiss for youuuuuu!!* ;)
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